Known only from a small area within the Rio Preto and Rio Maraca drainages in Amapá state, northeastern Brazil.
Type locality (translated from German) is ‘Small savanna brook on the B156 from Camaipi to Santa Clara, around 11 kilometers from Camaipi (rio Preto area). Around 45 kilometers north of Macapá, Amapá state, Brazil’.
Collected from small streams flowing through savanna grassland containing clear, light brown-colored water with substrates of sand and gravel and little in the way of submerged or riparian vegetation.
At the type locality pH varied between 5.8 – 6.3, GH and KH were both <1°, conductivity was 9-13 μs and temperature 24.7 – 27.2°C/76.6 – 80.1°F.
Other fish species included the congener Hyphessobrycon takasei, plus a Nannostomus cf. beckfordi and unidentified members of the genera Aequidens, Acestrorhynchus, Leporinus and Rineloricaria.